Notes that I’ve entered into
my phone, from May 25th to September 1st, in
chronological order.
it’s about how you say it
what’s the best way to
develop resilience
oak hill
can you carry umbrellas on
Tamar – the 3 incestuous sisters
don’t feel like doing
anything song
are there redeeming factors
to sadness 6/5
Do I actually—understand
what drives the decisions you
make in life? habit?
what happens if you place a
penny on a train track?
Clifton Fadiman
excel of ppl
NBA player should say I never
flop always play hard
feeling of making it – 6/13
erick ring fire river hook –
write about 5 year old letter
for blog like junot
unshakable confidence
rockland bike
types of humor
stand up comedy show
taking on great persona b4
events mentally
not better just genes lucky
hester bowery Chinatown
art department senior dpt
kadinsky picture w an archer
oil on canvas
karl Schmidt rottluff
Pharisees 1912
piet Mondrian josef alberrs
supreme confidence getting
things done
sweet potato eggplant
tuna and eggs
wasn’t worth attention I
would give it
Panasonic rps7
9 10 on 4th
what sells topic wise 0-5 6-9
clyfford still
hans Hoffman
mark Rothko
donna orender – June 26th
Take role models like tom
cruise American pie to realize irrational self confidence works
Harvard speeches
comfort confidence not secure
settling not equal
foosball whatever makes
people happy: sad little existence fat Asian lady doing the circle –
are fashion models insecure
freshman year write drunk never happened to me
birds n fella
tiff w and terr ho
river to river
American boy
just saw craigslist girl again. had forgotten till now need practice when it happens
Japanese art society on the
irrational confidence
unrelenting positivity jon eng belief that I’m worth it
just mad nobody say hi on the
street – 7/13
no community in ny –
itinerant so only friends shuttle to events
books are not like shoes
visitors most willing to
hang. habit kills
scared poster. funny way of
walking. west 4th street? assumptive. confidence. liquid confidence.
cake shop living room piano
polar bear weigh?
good hurt
v capabkty
new york isn’t perfect city
and when do I let things do w the flow vs. getting out of comfort zone? what’s
the balance? happy v. ca
I like you. is that general
like or domain specific? 7/19
understanding rap – abrams
happiness ceiling no floor
happiness bank. average?
best travel advice
Philippines no rob. lie or no? native or travel?
what argument do holocaust
deniers have about it not happening?
what is a hipster? least
likely to go to?
building any new subway
short story nightclub that
gets buried in so people deal w relationships day after like lost tv show
friend v money comfort vobligation hookup v no hookup promise v selfish healthy v fun
girl w short skirt looked at totally
uncomfortable those w real confidence come out
eating wasabi and choking on
best personal bloggers?
yale asc
top professions – want to be
nba movie star baseball ceo tim ferris pickup
with you
how to undo a fold?
spend a day reading on the
even if you have played a
song for a long time really feel its soul. that’s my adv.
turza as article – 7/28
soup books
what things put me in a
confident mood? singing interaction
yale why is the best – real
interaction w new haven people some don’t take adv but other schools loathe to
do so
don’t be a boring azn
blk kids sitting in the back
of the bus
wes paparazzi song make it
all visceral visual
magic ghosts the world is big
the world is small
is it ever more efficient to
eat with chopsticks than a fork?
don’t know nething about
Philippines and writing back to roots
buy a flip and record myself
in convo
why are shells not as cool
when you take them back home?
spin the bottle
furthest a stone has been
skipped – 7/30
does it use less energy to
chicken run
stuart davis roy litchenstein
coucou bazar
fashion illustration now
herry donenfield
nietzche superman phil
why we buy
epiphone electrical phone
stratus prep
17 best rom coms
setting expectations to live
up to them assume the best. Goethe quote. – britta 8/4
naturalist draw blood
action vs. thought when
situations do it in
stuart davis
paul klee al loving untitled
ellsworth Kelly terry winters light source direction
hans Hoffman veluti
cy twombly
franz kline untitled joan
Mitchell sunflowers
Arthur segal strassa auf 1924
tokuda masahiko plate
kim whan ki heaven n earth
lee ufan
most underrated urban
planning tic – water fountains
first world suffering hn not
load fast enough
how to fight air sickness
baby girl whats your name how
you look en them jeans
gum throw push coach bad
traffic 8/9 - rucker
what r the economics behind
supersizing? more efficient deplaning
omg worst place ever if we
land etc
how does airline seat pricing
how to play jazz on guitar
keep it fresh
inner game return and
irrational confidence
what’s with the crude
cartoons in new Yorker?
20 day inner confidence
challenge – how to make it stick?!
what’s the best way to train
a belief into fact?
what would south have thought
of Asian people?
Conspiratorial grin as
lowered the heading over.
Check the featherballs
put everything in order,
lined up, take the umbrella after starting to walk back, it’s all so measured
and cute, and can tell love to work on this.
wave the baton around of the
cup afterwards walking back into the house
create a new Yorker magazine
all written and drawn and done by me.
Things that have changed in a
year at home:
Dream: choosing between 2
different things, but that was the interlude to the real dream, which was…
if one of my keys are stuck,
what do I do?
“How’s the stock market
“I don’t have internet.
“But it’s probably down 1,000
“Yea, it’s probably in the
Sam: white girls are
Chicken fried; catch your
How do I increase my laptop’s
battery life? Dell
Put my eng 120 essays online
Judd Yale record stuff
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