The inauspiciousness
of the journey that lay ahead; e.g. almost being killed is not a good start
“They tried to speed up and cut us off, like this was Fast
and the Furious. Ain’t no Fast and Furious,” the black man next to me said, to
whomever would listen. I nodded. The damage looked terrible – the underside of
the Audi had come loose, the tire had popped, and the side mirror, obviously,
lay in shards. We – the other passengers and I – were loosely milling around the
Greyhound bus, surveying the five cop cars and two scared 20-year-olds and our
big-bellied bus driver.
“We got Miley Cyrus here whining and complaining and acting
all scared; they probably hit two other people on the way there,” the European
across the way exclaimed. The accident, as it were, happened 5 minutes after we
left the Greyhound bus depot, on the corner of Market and Fernando Street in
San Jose. We were supposed to arrive in LA at 6 a.m.; now, none of us had any
idea when we would arrive.
“We didn’t want to be there on time anyway,” the bald man
next to me says. We all laugh a little.
The details of said
accident; or why I slept on Santa Monica pier for 4 hours the next morning
The accident sounded as bad as the damage. I was just
falling asleep when what I was woken by a large aluminum can being crushed from
both sides, the air hissing out while the crackle of metal sparked in the air.
At that moment, our bus was making a right turn in the second-to-the-right
lane; a black Audi was in the rightmost lane making the same turn. The big,
wide berth we made apparently wasn’t enough, and the two cars squeezed together
against each other. The Greyhound bus won, so vigorously that the Audi was
literally lifted onto the curb.
Immediately after the accident, the driver walked down the
aisle, passing out slips of paper. “Fill out these papers for claims
adjustment, please.” I look at the paper: “It is required by law that Motor Bus
Companies shall make reports to the US Department of Transportation and the
State Public Utility Commission concerning all accidents. Your assistance to
Our Driver in the performance of his duty will be appreciated. WE THANK YOU.” There
are 10 questions:
- 1. Were you a passenger on the bus at the time of accident?
- a. Mark Seat Occupied on Reverse Side
- 2. Place of Departure?
- 3. Final Destination?
- 4. Where did the accident occur?
- 5. Time of Day?
- 6. Date accident occurred?
- 7. Were you injured in the accident?
- 8. Did you witness the accident?
- 9. How did the accident occur?
- 10. Was the bus stopped before the accident occurred?
I start to answer each when I look up at the man next to me,
who has begun to shout. “I’m not doing anything until you tell me when we’re
getting to LA.”
“I don’t know when we’re getting there,” the bus driver says,
“Well I’m not filling out crappy paperwork. I’m not going to
help you with your problem, I have a plane to catch.”
There’s a rumble from the back of the bus. “Shut up. The
sooner we get this done the sooner we can leave.”
“You might get something out of it,” the bus driver
“I don’t need anything out of it. I’m not filling out
“We’ll probably be an hour late.”
“Let me out, I want to get some fresh air, just because
we’re going to be here for a while.”
I wonder if anyone is going to sue Greyhound; or, if we
would get a refund.
The humanity of the
situation occurring through conversation with strangers
“Damn that’s a nice car,” my seat partner says as he steps
off the bus. “They’re driving that? That’s 55, 60k right there.” The bus is
damaged as well. There’s a dent where on the luggage compartment door; during
the crash, there was a big bump that felt like the entire bus was falling down
a step. We were literally a minute away from the highway ramp.
At this moment, the driver, who is 65 years old, with white
glasses, a blue shirt with a starched collar, and a lick of white hair (he
looks like a grouchy retired postal worker) is arguing with the 5 police
officers (who came in 4 different cars) on the scene. He blames the twenty year
olds: they tried to squeeze past the bus on the turn and failed to judge the
gap accurately. The police officers aren’t buying the story. “You’re going to
have to go to court to explain your case,” one of them tells the bus driver.
“You should always be turning on right most lane.”
The rest of us are just watching. Most of the officers have
their arms folded, and are looking around. There’s one bystander who is writing
down her version of the events on a single sheet of paper. The bus driver is
still gesticulating. “Last time got into an accident we were late for 4 hours,”
someone mentions. Someone else visibly sighs. It’s going to be a long night.
The best thing to happen is the lowering of social barriers.
Passengers who wouldn’t have exchanged one word during the ride are now joking
with each other; there are two black guys riffing off each other, doing
pull-ups on the traffic signal bar, asking the two girls driving the Audi what
The accident occurred at 11:25 p.m. At 11:46 p.m., the hot
dog vendors have smelt their pray and are out in full force, hawking their
wares. My mouth watered. At 12:33 a.m., we file back onto the bus and continue
our journey. “The midnight riders ride again!” someone yells. Everyone starts
to clap.
I strike up a conversation with my seat neighbor until both
of us, exhausted, fall asleep. We’re at LA by 6 a.m.
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